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Huang Tsan-Lun


1979 出生於台灣
1979 Born in Taiwan
2008 國立臺灣藝術大學美術系學士
2008 B.A. of Fine Art, National Taiwan University of Arts, Taipei, TAIWAN
2011 國立臺北藝術大學美術系美術創作碩士
2011 MFA of Fine Art, Taipei National University of Arts, Taipei, TAIWAN


2013 「同體」-黃贊倫個展,YESART,台北,台灣
2013 “Along the same vein” Huang Zan-Lun Solo Exhibition, YESART AIR Gallery, Taipei, TAIWAN

2013 「衍系」-2013黃贊倫個展,家畫廊,台北,台灣
2013 “Breed” Huang Zan-Lun Solo Exhibition, Jia Art Gallery, Taipei, TAIWAN

2012 「替身」-黃贊倫作品展,財團法人洪健全教育基金會覓空間,台北,台灣
2012 “Double” Huang Zan-Lun Solo Exhibition, meme space, Hong’s Foundation for Education and Culture, Taipei, TAIWAN

2010 「替代」-黃贊倫個展,靜宜大學藝術中心,台中,台灣
2010 “Substitute” Huang Zan-Lun Solo Exhibition, Art Center of Providence University, Taichung, TAIWAN

2010 「替代」藝文人才駐地暨展覽計畫,台北國際藝術村,台北,台灣
2010 “Substitute” Huang Zan-Lun Solo Exhibition, 2010 Open Call for Artists-in-Residence
             & Exhibition Proposals Selected Taiwanese Exhibitions, Taipei Artist Village, Taipei,TAIWAN

2010 「無類」-黃贊倫個展,家畫廊,台北,台灣
2010 “Stateless” Huang Zan-Lun Solo Exhibition, Jia Art Gallery, Taipei, TAIWAN

2010 「無類」-黃贊倫個展,關渡美術館,台北,台灣
2010 “Stateless” Huang Zan-Lun Solo Exhibition, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, TAIWAN

2009 「真的;是假的?」-黃贊倫個展,家畫廊,台北,台灣
2009 “Reality; Illusion?” Huang Zan-Lun Solo Exhibition, Jia Art Gallery, Taipei, TAIWAN

2008 「33號實驗室」裝置個展,KING空間,上海,中國
2008 “33 Lab” Installation Solo Exhibition, King Space, Shanghai, CHINA

2013 「後人類慾望」,台北當代藝術館,台北,台灣
2013 Post-humanist Desire, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Taiwan

2013 2013國際科技藝術展:超級關係,國立台灣美術館,台中,台灣
2013 International Techno Art Exhibition: TEA -Super Connect, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, TAIWAN

2013 亞洲當代藝術博覽會,J.W. Marriott Hotel, 香港,中國
2013 Asia Contemporary Art Show, J.W. Marriott Hotel, Hong Kong, CHINA

2012 機動森林,台北數位藝術中心,台北,台灣
2012 Mobile Forest, Digital Art Center Taipei, Taipei, TAIWAN

2012 遇見綠光,金典綠園道,台中,台灣
2012 Find Green Light, Park Lane by Splendor, Taichung ,TAIWAN

2011 未來之身,華山文化創意產業園區,台北,台灣
2011 Taiwan Digital Art Pulse Stream Plan, The Second Phase, The Next Body Digital Art
          Exhibition, Huashan Creative Park, Taipei, TAIWAN

2011 成為賽伯格,國立台灣美術館,台中,台灣
2011 Becoming Cyborg, The Digiark of National Taiwan Museum of Fine
          Arts,Taichung ,TAIWAN

2011 新北市創作新人獎,新北市藝文中心,台北,台灣
2011 The Arising Artist Award of New Taipei City in Year 2011, Cultural Affairs
          Department, New Taipei City Government, New Taipei City, TAIWAN

2010 2010關鍵字:潛雕塑、租借、劇本,朱銘美術館,台北,台灣
2010 2010 Keywords: Latent Sculpture, Renting, Scenario, Juming Museum, Taipei,TAIWAN

2009 Artexpo NYC 2009紐約藝術博覽會,Artêria Gallery,Jacob K. Javits
          Convention Center,紐約,美國
2009 Artexpo NYC 2009, Artêria Gallery,Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, New York,U.S.A

2008 上海藝術博覽會,KING空間,上海,中國
2008 Shanghai Art Fair, King Space, Shanghai, CHINA